Harry Bimber
A Letter to Peter Stekel from Harry’s Daughter
Peter Stekel
Seattle, Wa. 98116-2706
I ran across your Camp Wolverton web site, while searching for something entirely different. I would have never thought to look for a web site for Camp Wolverton and couldn’t believe it when I accidentally ran into it.
My dad initiated the August 23, 2002 reunion at Camp Wolverton. Hearing my dads voice on my computer was a total shock and a blessing at the same time! My dad, Harry Bimber, passed away Nov. 6, 2002. I was surprised to hear that Alden Barber had also passed away. How wonderful that they were able to get together one last time at camp.
This reunion back to “God’s Country” meant so much to my dad. He loved the mountains and loved scouting. And, he had many fond memories of both. Please thank all of those who helped make this trip possible. Also, a big thank you to you for collecting and putting together these memories.
I would greatly appreciate you sending me a copy of the 55 minute conversation you have put on CD. Enclosed is a check for $5.00.
Thank you,
Cheryl Shank
Richland, Wa. 99353