Camp Wolverton Neckerchiefs
From the collection of Frank Glick


Early Silkscreened Neckerchiefs - These two light green, cotton, silkscreened neckerchiefs are from the mid 1950’s.  They may be from about 1956, and may have lasted for more than one summer.  There is also a possibility that they go back as far as 1954, since we know the Camp sold neckerchief slides that summer in the trading post, and we don’t know of any other Wolverton neckerchiefs prior to these. 

Second Silkscreened Neckerchiefs - These two orange/yellow neckerchiefs were used during the summer of 1958, and possibly a year or so before that.  We know that there were left-over “orange” neckerchiefs that were used in the summer of 1959.  Camp Director Paul Jordan refers to this “orange” staff neckerchief in a post card he sent to Scout Executive Bill Kenny at the Crescent Bay Council Office in February 1959.