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WOLVERTON PATCH - To earn the right to wear this patch,
a camper must attend camp at least 6 days, and 6 nights.

WOLVERTON BEAR CLAW - To earn this coveted award, a
camper must do the following:

1) Spend at least one hour on a park Improve­ment

2) Complete at least one advancement require­ment.

3) Demonstrate good Scouting spirit while in camp
and in the back country: do all assignments
quickly and cheerfully, participate in troop,
patrol and camp activities, demonstrate proper
trail courtesy and Scouting teamwork.

4) Spend at least 2 days and 2 nights in the back

5) Do any of the following on the trail:

a) Angling: Catch at least 3 trout. Be
familiar with the fishing regulations of
the State and the National Park. Clean and
prepare one fish dinner for himself and at
least one other Scout.  Know the types of
fish in the Wolverton area.

b) Swimming: Pass swimmer test at back-
country lake.

c) Campfire Participation: Lead his troop in
singing, tell a story, play a musical
instrument or instruct a group in some
phase of Scouting at a backcountry

6) Conservation - Collect and pack out refuse left
by careless campers.

7) Do any 3 of the following:

a) Nature: Identify 3 birds, 3 animals,
and 1 fish from personal observation  OR
identify 10 trees, plants or shrubs of the
Sierra and describe them (leaves, needles,
cones, etc.)        OR collect and
identify 8 different rocks or minerals
from the Sierra



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